Friday, November 9, 2012

Microlife Peak Flow

So I found the microlife peak flow online running for 65% off, must be the model/brand is outdated now. I want to start tracking my values and get a baseline that way when I try something new I can see the affect it has on me (or not).

Tonight is the first night I received it, it really was easy to use and set up. It recommends you do a few readings at a time and then it saves the best one between when you turn it on and when you are done and turn it off.

I have NO idea what my normal liters run since I always look at and track % predicated FEV1. I also don't know how this home device compares to the clinic. That being said I'm happy to see a peak flow of 600 and 3.31 liters. Using the CDC calculator for my age/weight/height it said my FEV1% predicated is 3.06 liters which would put me at 108% (3.31/3.06*100).

2 weeks ago my lungs were in very inflamed bad state but I started cayston and did 3 days of 10mg prednisone and then today took 5mg. I have been doing aLOT better and getting stuff up now but I'm still not buying the 108% so we'll have to monitor it for a while and then see how it compares to the clinic.

Looking forward to seeing how the numbers track over time and using the software....yes I am just that geeky.