Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Yuck and Ugh

Well I've been meaning to post just a normal post but of course it's easy to forget when you are feeling pretty good. That's come to a crashing halt.

Last week I took off thursday since it was my 31st birthday. Wouldn't you know wednesday night I could tell I was getting sick and for my birthday I spent the day on the couch with Lillian or in my bed. I tried not to let it damper my day so when Jared got home from work he took Lillian out, picked up dinner and we ate dinner in bed with my bed heater on which I love and I opened my present from him and from Lillian and we watched a show. Friday however I was worse, I ended up with a wretched flu that is still hanging on. I started  inhaled cayston and colistin on monday and start cipro tonight (wed) a full WEEK after getting sick. Yuck! My peak flow has went from 560-570 to 420-440.

Wouldn't you know I called my new doctors office on monday and was put into a voicemail and never got a call back. Come to find out she doesnt HAVE voicemail so who knows where it ended up but its why I didnt get a call back.

I'm going to give this a try and I have a clinic appointment next week.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Just realized I posted this on my family blog on accident, oops, double oops because I haven't gotten the book yet either!

So I got some test strips that measure pH from 5-10 in increments of 0.5 and my husband and daughters pH registered 7 while mine registered 6 and once 5.5 Now I just tested this randomly and there are 'ideal' times to test so I plan to do some more tests. So far my very brief research indicates that a pH of 7.3-7.4 seems to be what the majority of websites are citing.

I plan to read the book Alkalize or Die by Dr. Theodore A. Baroody

 Bodily Responses That Fight To Maintain pH

All metabolic processes, including immunity, depend on a delicately balanced pH, which harmonizes electromagnetic energies. The body constantly fights to maintain a blood pH at around 7.35 -7.45 much like our internal thermostat that tries to maintain a 98.6-degree body temperature. There are seven homeostatic adaptation responses that fight to maintain this pH balance.

1) Using high pH bodily fluids such as water as a solvent to neutralize acid residues.

2) Pulling bicarbonate from the pancreas into the blood (an alkalizing agent). Bicarbonate ions are generated into the blood cells from carbon dioxide and diffuse into the plasma.

3) Protein buffers of glutathione, methionine, cystine, taurine, just to name a few, act as buffers intra-cellularly to bind or neutralize acids during cellular disorganization.

4.) Electrolyte buffers of sodium, calcium and potassium work in the blood, lymph, and extra-cellular and in­tracellular fluids to bind acids, which are then removed through the urine.

5.) Pulling stored calcium and magnesium from skeletal bones and teeth to neutralize blood acids.

6.) Filtration and elimination of acidic residues through the skin, urinary tract and respiration.

7.) Pushing blood acid residues and accumulated toxins into outer extremities as a storage bin away from vital organs. The wrist, joints, fingers, toes and skin are the major target areas to keep the toxins from saturating internal vital organs like the heart and lungs.

When all seven-protection phases are over­whelmed, the end result is accumulated acid residues at the cellular level, which drown out oxygen. With this acidic, low oxygen terrain, the microzyma’s (small ferments) trigger morbid microbe infiltration of fungus, molds and parasites, cancer cells, etc., where they seek the diseased acid terrain as food. (Editor's note: The term "microzyma" was created by Antoine Bechamp. These are small living components of cells and are described more fully later in this article ).

As these organisms feed, they produce waste just like you do. Their urine and feces are called mycotoxins, which are very poisonous to humans. Being acids themselves, mycotoxins greatly worsen the acidity caused by an acidic diet and toxic acid emotions. They are spilled into the blood as well as inside cells, where they cause free radical damage to the genetic material of the cell eventually causing cell death. The dead necrotic cells also spill out acid wastes. The blood poisoning results in more cell and tissue poisoning furthering the disturbance of the microzyma triggering morbid forms of yeast, molds and viruses, which disrupts body chemistry causing disease to the systems. So it’s a vicious cycle. One acid condition creates anothet Acidic diet coupled with toxic acid emotions creates an acid pH to the cells. This causes low oxygen levels (hypoxia), which is necessary for keeping back destructive anaerobic microbes and immuno-suppression is the result. Then medical doctors come in and treat the acid condidon with another acid (pharmaceuticals).

Thus the saliva pH parallels the extra cellular fluid ... pH paper test using saliva represents the most consistent and most definitive physical sign of the ionic calcium deficiency syndrome ... The saliva pH of the non-deficient and healthy person is in the 7.5 to 7.1 slightly alkaline range. The range from 6.5 which is weakly acidic to 4.5 which is strongly acidic represents states from mildly deficient to strongly deficient, respectively.

Most children are 7.5. Over half of adults are 6.5 or lower, reflecting the calcium deficiency of aging and lifestyle defects. Cancer patients are usually a bright yellow, a pH of 4.5, especially when terminal."

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I'm applying for mystery diagnosis!

I'm sure it wont pan out but hoping it can raise some awareness and help others!


As an infant I had unusual bowel movements but gained weight and looked healthy.

As a young child I developed painful stomach problems that at the age of 2-3 would leave me writhing in pain and continually crying. My mother was told that as an only child I was spoiled and I needed to be locked in my room until I stopped. These stomach problems happened periodically throughout my childhood and the cause was never determined despite multiple tests and doctors, by the time I was 7 I had learned breathing and distraction techniques taught in labor classes.

My mother recalls that I had colds and flus more common that some kids and my cough would last longer after the cold was resolved. About middle school it started getting much more pronounced and I was diagnosed with asthma and re-occurring bronchitis. My stomach problems continued intermittently, about once a year.

In high school I started getting sick a lot and ended up with pneumonia, mono,  sinus infections, strep throat; you name it and I had it. I also had my first bought of pleurisy but it was after a skiing accident and was attributed to that.  My first year of college I got sick a lot, I was living in dorm and I caught everything that went around. I had had a chronic cough for years but in college it began taking on a life of its own, I would cough so much throughout the night security would wake me up at night trying to see if I was ok.

The 1st semester of my 2nd year  I was  seeing the campus doctors, I got sick enough that the campus doctors wrote me a note to take incompletes while they were trying to figure out what was wrong.  During 2nd semester I dropped to a minimal course load and  quit going to 2 of my 4 classes, I couldn't keep up with classes or my job as an RA; having always been an excellent student this was very hard.  I could barely make it to my 4th floor dorm room (no elevator) and the uncontrollable cough  made sitting through classes nearly impossible. I tried to bide my time until the semester was out, when I left that summer I knew I wasn’t going to be able to come back.

Once I was home I read articles on how to talk to your doctor, I made lists and went in prepared to be an educated patient. I was told that she only did 10 minute appointments and if I had more than 1-2 items to talk about I’d have to make multiple appointments. I did multiple appointments, nothing worked even when I told her I thought I had cystic fibrosis based on my reading and reminded her that I had 4 inconclusive sweats tests performed in middle school by another doctor. During the time I was under her care I was told:  to get my asthma under control, that I had to loose weight, that I was too stressed, finally at my pushing she diagnosed me with fibromyalgia for my pain and COPD for my lungs. I was referred for a cat scan for the headaches, when that came back clear I received a referral to a psychiatrist in the mail……it was the last straw. I later my medical records and found the terms ‘drug seeking’,  ‘hypochondriac’, that I and my mother had a ‘vested interest in my health but were misguided”. I had never even received a nebulizer!

At this point I was sleeping with a trash can next to my bed for the massive amount of mucous that felt as if they were suffocating me during the night. I was suffering from chronic fatigue, my entire body was sore all the time, I had migraines, anxiety, pleurisy that at times prevented me from moving, chronically swollen lymph nodes, my anxiety was out of control because I feared that I would die in my sleep before I would be believed.

I moved to a physician’s assistant that was freshly out of school and listened to me. I was disappointed when she explained that she had to treat me by a normal protocol and then take it from there. I had been through all of this before but she had listened and I really had no other choice so I agreed and was prescribed a nebulizer and a more aggressive antibiotic. Not surprisingly none of my symptoms cleared up but surprisingly for the first time someone believed there was a real problem and she promised to follow this through! She referred me to an allergist (they said I had allergies but not to an extent to explain my symptoms),  followed by an infectious disease specialist (nothing found),  followed by an internist (nothing found), followed by a pulmonologist. All of this took a very long time and I was really struggling and I had high hopes for this doctor.

The pulmonologist saw me and prescribed me a stronger oral antibiotic and did some testing,  I never felt I was getting any answers from him despite the fact I had started coughing up blood intermittently.  Much to my surprise he had been working with a pediatric pulmonologist specializing in cystic fibrosis. I was given a referral to them (and discovered they were the same office that had seen me during the sweat testing in middle school). I did not know at the time I arrived for the appointment that they were for CF I just knew they were another doctor and I really had very little hope that anything would be different this time. MUCH TO MY SURPRISE I WAS MET BY A TEAM OF SPECIALISTS AND DIAGNOSED WITH CYSTIC FIBRORIS WITHIN 10 MINUTES!! I STARTED CYRING AND WHEN THEY TRIED TO CONSOLE THEM I TOLD THEM THEY WERE TEARTS OF JOY!!! Finally I was believed and understood.