Friday, May 15, 2009

Clinic Visit Cheer

13May2009 FVC 118 FEV1 104 (down 4%) FEV25-75% 88 (up 1%)
Clinic Notes: re-check post steroids and pre-pregnancy. Everything looks great, feeling good, allergies are problematic and doc did say that my theory on my allergic reactions having residual inflammatory effect on my lungs (which I did another week steroids for) was very possible. His pregnancy recommendations are to be vigilent with physiotherapy especially hit it hard in 2nd tri' to get ready for 3rd when lungs are most compromised and there is the biggest risk.

March2009: FVC FEV1 108% FEV25-75% 87 (have to go back and get these numbers)
Clinic Notes: Recheck after end of steroids, feeling good. Best FEV1 ever!

29Feb2009 FVC 111 FEV1 100 (down 3%) FEV25-75% 88 (down 14%)
Clinic Notes: feel inflammatory in nature start 2 weeks steroids 40mg taper. Still got streaking in day 2 steroids.

15Dec2008 FEV1 103% FEV25-75 102%
Clinic Notes: summer steroids early winter cold w 3 weeks cipro)

21Feb2008: FVC 105.3 FEV1 99.3 FEV25-75% 89.1 BP 114/68 HR 59 Wt 152
Clinic Notes: was getting huge variability and felt something 'stuck'

25Jun2007: FVC 105 FEV1 97 FEV25-75% 824Dec2007: FVC 99 FEV1 91 FEV25-75% 77

1 comment:

  1. Your FEV1 increase over the past 2 years is VERY impressive!!!!! nice work :)


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