Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009 Year In Review

Overall I am very pleased with myself, this is probably the best I have ever done. For me not just having 'a' resolution but a plan for the direction I want and goals are better. Checking in regularly helped too via my 'groundhog resolution' plan of checking in each month on 1/1, 2/2 etc

2009 Overall Goals:
Maintain my lungs - Improved actually *clapping*
get in better shape - so so, some parts yes, some parts no
Loose 20ish lbs - nope, not even close, thank you fertility treatments, prednisone, and laziness
Read more - I completed 16 non-fiction books
Be a better wife - Have definately come a long way
Find a church - Joined, baptized & fully involved
Read at least some of my new bible - Read New testament & portions of Old

2009 Health Specific Goals:
Up my workout routine to 5 days - not there yet

Start jogging again (with my Knees permission) - tons of problems they declined permission

Be evaluated for Tiger-2 - done (decided it was a no-go)

HTS routine - done

More huffing throughout the day - done

Start doing a BS monitoring 2x month - pretty good

FLUSH MY PORT ON SCHEDULE - better but needing improvement

More efficient & compliant way to wash/sanitize my nebs - done

Determine peak flow range - done (need to redo)

buy masks for cleaning, dusting, etc - done (need to use them ALL the time though)

buy allergen bedding and pillows - done (need new covers dont like the old ones)

start eliminating alot scented products - done (well with what is reasonable)

1 comment:

  1. BRAVO!!!!!!

    You had an amazing 2009 with your goals. Nice work :)


thanks for stopping by