Sunday, January 31, 2010

Microlife Peak Flow Meter

I was looking around at the pico and the microlife spirometer as I am considering getting one. I found this bundle kit that included the software so that I can download it to my computer. I would like to be able to see trends over time and insert notes for when I am sick etc. I have in the past used an excel sheet for my clinic FEV's and I thought this might be even handier. I am interested in trackings maller changes and seeing if I can correlate them to things in my life instead of just when I am sick. I am on the fence right now, still doing some research.

Measures peak flow and FEV1 to indicate early warning signs for impending asthmatic incidents or conditions

Automatically stores 240 readings, Automatic traffic light indicator

Doctor recommended, Meets American Thoracic Society (ATS) accuracy standards

Software Included: User-friendly and Customizable Settings, Easily chart progress and print graphs

Make personal notes of activities

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmmm.... I wonder what the margin of error is.

    A normal PFT machine at the doc's office can have a margin of error of +- 3-5%.

    I can imagine this device's margin of error could be even larger.... so if the point is to monitor small changes, I think the device could confuse things.

    For me a peak flow meter and just knowing my lungs is sufficient.


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