Monday, December 29, 2008

Dave Ramsey Weirdo

Just wanted to say that I will be taking you all along on a journey through the weird world of Dave Ramsey. Hubby has been listening to him for a while so I bought him tickets to his live show for xmas and we went last week on thursday. We have decided to dive full fledged into this money makeover.

We are 'average' meaning we make enough to pay our bills, hubby pays bills as they come in, we do have times-moreso now that we have a child where we are cutting it close and then something happnes and we put it on a credit card (with every intention of paying it off) well we all know how that goes sometimes. We always try to have a savings account but its never very big, we both like to buy 'stuff' a little too much etc etc

ANyway neither of us is particularly good with finances, for example we know its important to save and have been putting TONS of money in 401k (mistakenly so, will explain later) but neither of us has ever learned to budget--we just pay as we go etc. Anyway we have already learned of alot mistakes we have made.

I figure being a CF'er being debt free and finanacially independant is SO SO SO important that I will talk abotu it here in the hopes someone will decide to try it as well. We are enrolling in the 13 week course as well, we are jsut waiting on our materials. Program consists of 6 baby steps, will discuss the first one soon..............

PS DID YOU KNOW??? Nearly 70% of all consumers live paycheck to paycheck? this year, more people will file for bankruptcy than graduate from college? in 1929 only 2$ of homes in america had a mortgage against them and by 1962 only 2% DID NOT??? (PS the income to home ratio was BETTER in 1962 meaning their homes cost them 'less' compared to how much they made than in 1929)

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