Monday, December 29, 2008


Well I went in to an appt today on a non-cf'er day because I have had a horrid little respiratory thing going on since monday. I felt that it was mostly still viral as I do not have increased sputum much and what I do have is still thin and light yellow/green (my norm), I am coughing alot but its a 'sick' cough not a cf cough, and my peak flow is down almost 10%, so it is taking its toll (I took vacation day tomorrow) anyway if it was getting out of control I wanted to nip it in the bud before I was full out sick. I called CF nurse to see what she thought and knowing what is going around right now she said come on in, better safe than sorry.

About 2 months ago I started running 3 days a week and I have been feeling really well lung wise and think its much to the runnings credit. I get out hard things that are like little green pieces string that I can tell have been stuck somewhere for goodness knows how long. Anyway long story short with my peak flow down 50pts from where I have been blowing I got the following PFT report today (yeah *does a happy dance*). I couldn't be more thrilled all my numbers were way up from my most recent appt in december AND up from Jun 2007 (see below) which was when#1 I broke my personal best AND I got off IV's!!!! Yeah. I have NEVER EVER EVER been able to duplicate post IV PFT numbers, ever!

The other really great part was even though my 'best' blow was the one below and the one they recorded I did blow another one that showed my small airways 25-75% at 104.7% of predicted so I am not counting that but I see there is still possibility to improve and get it there for real! This is 8 months out (post IV's) and did I mention february is my worst month? Part of the reason this cold scared me so badly is that I ALWAYS get sick in feb, last year was the first one since dx I did not land in the hospital with hemoptysis. S

o even though my knee is giving me alot of trouble lately and I was doubting if I should push forward with tryign for a 10K I figure to heck with my knee, I will take my lungs over the knee any day! I had decided that before but seeing these sorts of results really reinforces that decision. I told my nurse I really would like to see what my numbers are healthy because if my peak flow is down that much I must be higher than this reading today.

21Feb2008: FVC 105.3 FEV1 99.3 FEV25-75% 89.1 BP 114/68 HR 59 Wt 152

25Jun2007: FVC 105 FEV1 97 FEV25-75% 82

4Dec2007: FVC 99 FEV1 91 FEV25-75% 77

so yes, sorry if you made it to the end of this, it is all about me, I am journaling this to keep track of my PFT's for future reference. ta ta and rememebr you dont have to run, its whatever is challenging to YOU!

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